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Most items offered by Stag and Bough Historical Reproductions are custom made to your order. However, sometimes circumstances arise which result in items becoming available for purchase on a first-come-first-serve basis. Keep an eye out on this page and you may find that something you like is waiting for you!


Claret Silk Sprang Purse



100% Silk

100% hand worked

***Coins for display purses. Not included.***

This is the same art-form used to produce sashes in the 18th century. Based upon several extant purses dating from the late 17th to early 19th century, these silk sprang purses are entirely hand worked. The front piece and the back piece must be made separately as sprang creates a mirror image, and the front has a slit while the back does not. In addition, the ends must be removed from their sticks to finish them as the piece is worked. The two pieces are then sewn around the bottom and sides and a tassel created on the loose end.

The bottom portion is interlaced (2 over - 2 under) which creates an bias weave. The top portion is interlinked with an alternating lozenge pattern.

The back is a solid piece while the front piece includes a slit to insert coins or whatever one might wish to store in one's purse.

There is a brass ring which is slid along the purse to open and close it which is held on by the knot in the tassel.

Yellow Silk Sprang Purse



100% Silk

100% hand worked

***Coins for display purses. Not included.***

This is the same art-form used to produce sashes in the 18th century. Based upon several extant purses dating from the late 17th to early 19th century, these silk sprang purses are entirely hand worked. The front piece and the back piece must be made separately as sprang creates a mirror image, and the front has a slit while the back does not. In addition, the ends must be removed from their sticks to finish them as the piece is worked. The two pieces are then sewn around the bottom and sides and a tassel created on the loose end.

The bottom portion is interlaced (2 over - 2 under) which creates an bias weave. The top portion is interlinked with an alternating lozenge pattern.

The back is a solid piece while the front piece includes a slit to insert coins or whatever one might wish to store in one's purse.

There is a brass ring which is slid along the purse to open and close it which is held on by the knot in the tassel.